An update.

What I've been working on.

It’s been a while since I’ve sent an email.

Things have been pretty busy behind the scenes with client work and some stuff I’m working on.

Top of the list is the “LinkedOut” app.

Yes… I’m building an app!

It’s a long way from completion but it will be an app where creator’s can come to learn and find work.

The app will be split into 2 sections.

  1. Freelancers with skills who need to find consistent work.

  2. Business owners who need skilled freelancers.

There are platforms like Upwork (which is destroyed and a total waste of time in my opinion) but those platforms don’t let you “socialise” with freelancers or business owners.

LinkedOut will be dedicated solely to what LinkedIn used to be… socialising with people who can either hire you, or work for you!

This app will be 100% free (I will depend on advertising to earn a profit from it)…

… and will also be monitored. There will be no courses being sold on there. It will be solely for finding work or finding people to do the work.

The launch date of this needs to be confirmed but don’t hold your breath. This might not be finished until 2025.

You will be the first to hear about this a launch date for this.

Tomorrow I am sending out an email on how to send a good cold DM.

It’s an email I promised to send but things got pretty busy between my own work and being banished from LinkedIn several times.

I just wanted to give a quick update on some things. 24 hours from now you will get another email with my “Cold DM Tips”.

I am also going to launch a new coaching program which I’ve been working on with several people recently.

Unlike a lot of programs that teach you everything EXCEPT how to write…

… mine will be 100% writing focused.

I’ve done this in the past for people (sometimes extremely under priced) and usually I had to turn some people away because it does require a lot of hours on my part to send videos reviewing your writing.

If you were to get this done by ANY of my mentors…

… you’d pay a minimum of $1,000 for a single video (regardless of how long it is). $1,000 you ask? Yes! You pay for the value, not the time.

I’ve critiqued posts for people who have 5x’ed their LinkedIn growth just based on changes they made to how they write.

They are changes that ChatGPT will never spot!

Each of the people reading this email all have their own unique personality. It’s my job to find that and highlight it.

This is what I rant about on LinkedIn every day.

So you can imagine the work that goes into this process.

I haven’t finished this coaching program either but it will be finished soon.

Before I do launch it and to give anybody I’ve ever turned away a chance to have me review their writing on video…

… for the next 5 days I am offering writing reviews for up to 10 people at the lowest price you’ll find ANYWHERE on LinkedIn.

It won’t cost even $100…

It won’t cost even $80…

It won’t cost even $60…

A total bargain!

If you want a video (that you can keep forever) of me reviewing your LinkedIn posts and offering feedback on how you can 5x your impressions…

Reply to this email with “REVIEW” and I will send you details.

This is ONLY available for the first 10 people who reply.

I don’t have enough time in a day to review 50 or 100 people’s writing.

10 people ONLY!